Gabe John Shares Powerful Message with Brick Memorial High School Seniors

Brick Memorial High School had the honor of hosting a deeply moving and impactful presentation by Gabe John, who visited our seniors to discuss the importance of responsible decision-making.

Since 2014, Gabe John has been sharing his story of survival and resilience after a life-threatening accident. At the age of 17, Gabe was nearly killed when a piece of metal from his engine block crashed through his windshield after losing control of his vehicle and colliding with a bridge.

During his presentation, Gabe shared videos, images, diagrams, and a CAT scan of his injuries, along with testimony from the first responder on duty that night and friends who supported him through his recovery. Despite the challenges he faced, Gabe continues to play guitar and remains an inspiration to many.

The seniors at Brick Memorial High School were incredibly attentive and supportive during Gabe’s presentation. As the school year comes to a close and celebrations such as Senior Ball on May 16th and graduation approach, Brick Memorial wants to remind the Class of 2024 that all decisions have consequences, and it’s essential to make responsible choices.

Special thanks to Samantha West of our guidance department for coordinating this impactful event, which took place yesterday, April 25th.

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