VMMS was proud to honor our February Mustangs of the month. Every month, the VMMS staff is able to nominate staff and students from VMMS who exemplify the true character of a Mustang.

Below are the individuals who have been chosen and what others have written about them.


Grade 6: Damiyah Mcanuff 

Rarely do I find a 6th grader as confident, creative, and forward-thinking as Damiyah. She is wise beyond her years, and possesses a unique motivation that is hard to come by – she takes action and is able to work independently with capable confidence. I was lucky to have Damiyah as a Peer-Buddy, she stood out as a leader among the group and her peers looked to her for guidance. She modeled exemplary behavior, an earnest kindness and eagerness to help and support others.

Damiyah is one of the most dynamic students that we have come across this year. She consistently demonstrates her willingness to take charge and make a positive difference. Her proactive approach not only ensures the smooth functioning of tasks but also inspires those around her to strive for excellence. In the peer buddy class, her helpfulness, dynamism, and leadership are seamless with both the students she helps, her peers and the staff in the room. The students look forward to working with her and she never fails to smile! 

Grade 7: Ethan Antonelli 

Ethan went out of his way to encourage a student who has constant anxiety about school (and numerous absences) to come to school and help catch up on his missing work. Ethan spent his lunch period going through the chronically absent student’s assignments and verbally encouraged this student to come to school every day, all without prompting from any staff member.

Grade 8: Lucy Swanhart 

Lucy is an exceptional student and person. She is humble and never boasts about her academic success. Just this year, she proved herself an excellent candidate for high school honors. What I find most impressive is that even if something comes easy, she gives it her all. Most importantly, she is kind to her peers and teachers – she smiles and lights up the room with her warm disposition.

Support Staff: Simon Muckle 

Simon has been a valuable asset to our staff and has developed a wonderful rapport with the kids. He is patient and funny and helps everyone equally.
Teacher: Jen Burd 
Jen took on teaching the ERI class this year and is doing a great job handling challenging students.
Jen rises up in the face of adversity. She always goes above and beyond for her students, and continuously provides them with innovative lessons and activities. We’re lucky to have her on our team!
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