VMMS was proud to honor our March and April Mustangs of the month. Every month, the VMMS staff is able to nominate staff and students from VMMS who exemplify the true character of a Mustang.

Below are the individuals who have been chosen and what others have written about them.


Grade 6:

Abigail Alaimo –
Abby is a diligent, kind and hardworking student. Not only does she have an incredible work ethic, she takes pride in her art and looks to help others too! She was a leader in the class in creating a large-scale collaborative mural, it wouldn’t have been possible without her dedication and organization.

Grade 7:

Simon Kindnerski – 

I would like to nominate Simon for student of the month!!! He has made tremendous progress in the past few months!!! Simon needs to be recognized for his achievements in the classroom and other social settings throughout the school!!!!
Simon has grown leaps and bounds over the past year. His behavior has greatly improved throughout this school day. Simon is always raising his hand to participate in the lessons. He is working hard to stay on task. Simon is a pleasure to have in the classroom. He comes in with a smile on his face and is ready to work.
Grade 8:
Isabella LaBruno –
Phenomenal student and passionate student council board member. She is also in full year art and advanced dancer. Her tremendous ideas are matched with her diligent effort. The sky’s the limit with this kid! 

Support Staff:

Emma Watkins- 
Emma works hard to build relationships with all the students in the class. She is always flexible to make sure the needs of the students are met. She helps the students to be more independent and grow during their time in middle school. She takes meticulous data for the classroom. Emma is always willing to help out a coworker.
A pleasure to work with, brings joy to the classroom – positive energy and always eager to help in any way she can.
Jon Palombi-
Mr. Palombi does a lot of things here at VMMS that fly under the radar. He unselfishly offers helpful advice to colleagues whenever asked, without wanting praise or recognition. As a science teacher, he extends the district’s curriculum concepts outside of the classroom by offering our school’s first Aquaponics club. This club teaches students a variety of important lessons about our environment, plants, and the skills/knowledge it requires to maintain different forms of biology. To be able to successfully deliver these type of lessons it, often times, requires him to take time out of his own personal schedule to come back to the building to change filters, clean tanks, collaborate with custodians, and plant & maintain a garden the staff and students admire each day as they pass by in the Spring. You’d be hard-pressed to find more than 2 or 3 staff members who get to the building earlier than Palombi everyday. He’s not one to boast and will most likely not be “thrilled” with the attention an award like this brings, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve it. 

Grade 6: Anna Korbutyak

Anna is very responsible and kind. She is always doing the right thing and will help out when ever she can. She is well liked by all teachers and students. Anna is involved with student council, band, chorus, cross country, and track.

Grade 7: Aiden Turpin

Aidan is a role model student. He is always eager to get in the classroom first (even homeroom!) and start learning. He always puts in a consistent effort and works hard to earn honor roll. He is sweet and polite to all classmates and teachers. He is one of those students that makes me happy to do my job as a teacher!

Grade 8: Collin Crawford

Collin has a wonderful sense of school community and citizenship! He is always ready to dive in and help others. This was particularly true recently when he heard a special needs classmate was staying for Newspaper Club. Collin showed kindness and care as he volunteered to stay after as well to help the student with his newspaper article. Collin was able to give appropriate guidance and endless patience, while also giving his classmate the space to work independently when needed. (The special needs student was also staying after with a para.)

Support Staff: Samantha Babo

Sam is an invaluable asset to the guidance department, embodying grace and professionalism in every role she assumes. Her genuine care for both her students and colleagues shines through as she consistently goes the extra mile to ensure everyone’s well-being. Additionally, her collaborative spirit and willingness to lend a hand make her a true team player.
Teacher: Rebecca McNellis
This is the first year that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Becca’s student interactions up close, and I continue to be impressed with her! She is particularly kind, caring, and patient with a group of at-risk girls. She maintains behavior expectations and is always willing to try one more time to get those at-risk students to toe the line. Becca is an inspiration with a never-give-up perspective!
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