VMMS was proud to honor our December Mustangs of the month. Every month, the VMMS staff is able to nominate staff and students from VMMS who exemplify the true character of a Mustang.

Below are the individuals who have been chosen and what others have written about them.


Grade 6: Isaac Quakenboss    

* Issac is always kind and respectful. Everyday when I escort Issac to the cafeteria, he holds the door open for ALL of the students entering behind him. He is always friendly and courteous to all. He is always willing to work in a group with others, and works hard within that group to be a valuable member of the team. His pleasant demeanor and strong work ethic is appreciated.
* Isaac is one of a kind. You will always see him holding the door at lunch and at dismissal at the end of the day. He always greets teachers with a smile on his face, and is willing to help anyone in need. Isaac asks thoughtful and inquisitive questions, participates and is such an asset to the classroom. He exemplifies “Ride as One” because he wants everyone to succeed together. 

Grade 7: Anya Chiaken

Anya always goes out of her way to say “good morning!” or “ have a great day!” with a bright smile. She is welcoming and friendly to classmates and teachers. She is a hard worker and always tries her best in all she does!

Grade 8: Nymir Goodwin

Nymir is always respectful and kind to teachers and peers. He comes in each day with a positive attitude and a smile. He also puts his best effort into assignments and raises his hand when he needs help in class. Outside of the classroom, Nymir tried out and made the school basketball team. Similar to class, he gives 100% effort at practice and is very coach-able. It is his first year playing school basketball and he has already had a positive impact on the team.
* Nymir continues to mature and impress me with his work ethic, social behavior and overall attitude. He has learned to accept constructive criticism, and works to improve daily. He takes pride in his work and even helps his classmates when needed. Outside of the classroom he is also an athlete who gives 110% in both practices and games for the school basketball team. He can be overheard uplifting his teammates and talking positively about the overall team.

Suppot Staff: Renata Cavanaugh

* Renata is doing a great job taking over being head counselor. She did an amazing job with the scheduling and is a great mentor to Mrs. Favato and Ms Babo.

* Mrs. Cavanaugh is an instrumental part of our community. She has taken on so many new roles this year and does so with such calm and grace! Just awesome!

Teacher: Liz Pena

Mrs. Pena creates an inviting classroom for her students. Each day as they enter her room the song of the day will be playing. She also has creative slides with clear directions posted on the board so her students know exactly what to expect and what is expected of them. She guides her students to become better writers by giving them the tools and strategies to succeed. She also comes up with creative ways to engage her students. For example, when reading “The Christmas Carol” play, her classroom furniture was set-up like a stage, and she had fun props for the “actors” to wear. She does all of this while still holding her students to high academic standards.
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