VMMS was proud to honor our January Mustangs of the month. Every month, the VMMS staff is able to nominate staff and students from VMMS who exemplify the true character of a Mustang.

Below are the individuals who have been chosen and what others have written about them.

6th Grade Student Jack Perrino: Jack is an unassuming quiet student. So when he asked me to go see Mrs. Favato it was an absolute yes. Apparently, Jack saved his best friend from drowning yesterday! His friend fell through the ice….Jack didn’t hesitate and pulled him out.  He is an example of a student hero ~ quiet and unassuming. I asked him and he just said, “well, that’s my best friend, of course I didn’t think twice.” 

Jack is nice boy and showed what true friendship was all about helping his friend. 

7th Grade Student Tyrza Gonzalez: I met Tyrza last year as a new student to the district. She entered my class a few weeks into the marking period. It was difficult to get her caught up with the sewing skills the others had already learned but her patience was amazing and she persevered . What made her stand out the most was her kindness toward her classmates. This year I’ve seen her show unwavering kindness and tolerance. Tyrza always sees the good in each person regardless if they are not being so nice to her. I try to make her experience in my class be positive and I know she enjoys cooking.

8th Grade Student Christopher Strippoli: Chris is an exceptional student. He is very diligent about his school work as well as an active member of many clubs at VMMS. He is also an avid bowler. Chris goes above and beyond in all that he does.

VMMS Staff Member Stephanie Matteo: Stephanie is always eager and willing to help all students at VMMS. Her kindness and warm smile spread positivity throughout the halls daily!

Stephanie is incredibly hardworking dedicated educator who continuously goes above and beyond for her students and with her colleagues. She continues to jump in and help in any capacity that is needed and is flexible even if schedules/assignments are changed last minute.

Steph goes above any beyond for not only students she is assigned to work with, but for any student she comes in contact with. Even when she is subbing for another para during a period, she makes her presence known and is not acting as a “sub” but as the supportive person these children need. She offers to help with clubs and committees. She is well respected and has been requested by many teachers as their classroom para. She truly puts the student first and is not afraid to advocate for the her kids.

VMMS Staff Member Chris James: Chris is an exceptional Phys Ed teacher. I feel that he deserves to be recognized as Mustang of the month. I am in adaptive PE class with him and he always makes it a point to collaborate with the adults to make sure the kids will be able to participate to the best of their ability. He’s always looking for new ways to challenge the students that he has and modify where he feels necessary. He is well liked among his peers as well as his students. He is always willing to lend a hand even if he’s not asked directly. He is an all around nice guy that takes others into consideration at all times. We are very lucky to have him as our adaptive PE teacher.

Chris always makes gym class innovating . He is well liked by staff and students. He works with the adaptive PE and is nothing more than supportive and conscience of each students individual ability. Most times he is collaborating with the other adults that work with them to get the maximum benefit for the students. I believe is well deserved of this acknowledgment.


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