VMMS was proud to honor our March Mustangs of the month. Every month, the VMMS staff is able to nominate staff and students from VMMS who exemplify the true character of a Mustang.

Below are the individuals who have been chosen and what others have written about them.


Grade 6: Amanda Miller: Amanda is one of those kids you can always depend on. She is super hardworking, caring, thoughtful, and kind. She always gives 110% in everything she does. She exemplifies everything it means to be a Mustang and takes our slogan, “Ride As One,” to heart. We are lucky to have her here at VMMS!
Grade 7: Dan Talty: Dan is a kind and respectful student who always comes to class with a smile. He puts effort into all of his assignments and is always willing to help others.

Grade 8: Samar Robinson: Samar is an exceptional young lady who is respected by her peers and teachers. She actively engages in class lessons and is eager to help assist others.

Kind to both teachers and peers! Overall, fantastic person!
Support Staff: Aaron Espinosa: He is so dedicated to his job. He never has a bad word to say about anyone, nor does he complain. He is a caring and devoted individual who is active in extracurricular activities with students in the school.

Teacher: Tara Carlisle:

Tara is an excellent teacher that cares deeply about students. She is motivated to teach Language Arts. She is an excellent coworker and friend. She is willing and able to take on extra activities,  so students can have memorable moments in their middle school years, and Team Leader, so coworkers questions can be answered. I am privileged to have had the honor of being her academic partner and her friend.
I am nominating Tara Carlisle. Tara goes the extra mile in helping any staff member in any way that she can. Her dedication in assisting that VMMS operates smoothly and efficiently is something we all benefit from. Tara’s interactions with staff and students is directed by respect and acceptance of an individual’s needs and differences. Tara creates engaging lessons and ensures in every way possible that her students meet with success. Tara is a devoted teacher and conveys her compassionate nature in all her interactions.  She is a valued veteran member of our staff and she is well deserving of this recognition as “Teacher of the Month”.
Tara works extremely hard to ensure VMMS is the best it can be. As a team leader she helps guide our staff through anything they need. Awesome teacher!!
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