At VMMS, we are always proud to spotlight some of the great things our students do in our building. Here are just a few of the AWESOME things these young men and women have done in the past month.


  • Walter Korch wanted to give a lesson to his classmates about telling time on analog clocks. He created a slideshow for the lesson as well as a Kahoot!
  • Nathaniel Janik was given a ticket for the positive reinforcement system in his class. Nathanial wrote on the ticket “If this gets pulled, I am going to give it to someone else.” His ticket was pulled and he gave the win to another student in his class.
  • Charlotte Kennedy, Ava Mulcahey, Isabella Sutero were all chosen to read their “What Freedom Means to Me” essays at our Veterans Day Celebration. They did an incredible job reading their essay in front of our Veterans and their families.

Walter Korch shares his lesson to his class. 

Charlotte Kennedy, Ava Mulcahey, Isabella Sutero. 


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