If you would like to request a change your child’s bus stop for babysitting or day care purposes (this MUST be 5 days per week for the entire school year), please use the following procedure:
- Parent/Guardian must come in to their school with a letter requesting a stop change and fill out bus stop change form.
- The parent/guardian would fill out the top portion of this form and sign. The school office will verify their identification and note it on this form.
- After approval by the Principal, the school will fax or send the form and letter to Transportation to complete the process.
- Transportation will contact the school when the new bus stop has been scheduled. Please allow 48 hrs to make the change.
Include with your request: the student’s name, address, grade, school, the change needed and a contact phone number. Transportation to the Day Care facility or babysitter must be within the sending school’s boundaries . Transportation will only be provided if you are in the school’s transportation area and if there is a seat available on the bus. We do not pick up or drop off students at a business other than an approved daycare. (Walkers are not eligible for busing to daycares.) Please include your babysitter’s name, address and contact phone number. A response to the change will be made within 48 hours during the school year. You can check e-Link and print your updated bus pass when the change is in effect.
Forms must be received by August 1st to be effective for the opening day of school. Any changes received after August 1st will be processed as quickly as possible.
Please be patient with changes during the beginning of the school year. Be assured that we are working as quickly as possible to set up transportation for you. Safety is always our first concern.
Please check the District’s Nursery Day Care Sending School Listing before choosing your day care. Change of Bus Stop Forms for Day Care or Babysitter can also be downloaded and brought to your school.