Brick Celebrates our 2021-22 Teachers of the Year

Ben Schaible
Tracey Reinhard
Memorial Split M
Brick Memorial High School
Kelly Sperling
Kyleen Lauretta
Lake Riviera Middle School
Chris Seidelmann
Stacey Elmendorf
Vets Middle Split V
Veterans Memorial Middle School
Michelle Warren
Shanan Ferreira
Vets El Split V
Veterans Memorial Elementary School
Michele Baughman
Brett Novick
Osborneville Split )
Osbornville Elementary School
Ashley Ernest
Diana O'Neill
Midstreams Split M
Midstreams Elementary School
Diane Ehlers
Jason Jacobus
Lanes Mill Elementary School
Michael Day
Colleen Straniero
Emma Havens Split E
Emma Havens Young Elementary School
Kathleen Koehler
Rita Knittel
Drum Point Split D
Drum Point Elementary School
Julianne Moore
Sara Wight
Wolf Split W
Warren H. Wolf Early Childhood Development Center
Janet Tischio
Baiba Grinvalds
Herbertsville Split H
Herbertsville Early Childhood Development Center